Cancer Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan
The evidence for a ketogenic diet to fight cancer is undeniable and becoming overwhelming. The evidence for a whole foods, plant-based diet to fight cancer is also pretty darn compelling. Media and vocal proponents from both sides would lead you to believe you must choose one or the other but the truth is that a whole-foods, plant-based diet and therapeutic keto have more in common than they have differences and can be combined to take advantage of all the benefits. When I was first diagnosed with stage 4, terminal lung cancer in 2018, I know I didn't want to ignore any evidence-based therapeutic options. While pharmaceutical drugs saved my life in those early touch-and-go days, I absolutely credit my whole foods, plant-based way-of-eating – along with therapeutic fasting – with achieving complete remission a year later. I was lucky (?) to have a strong background in "dieting" and was familiar with all the m...