70 Kg Bodybuilder Diet Plan

Muscle Coach Diet Plans

At Muscle Coach we recognise that one size does not fit all. Therefore we have formulated multiple variations of each diet depending on your weight and preference with meal frequency. Typically people will get better results with higher meal frequency. However you can still get good results even if you are restricted to just three food meals each day as long as you supplement properly.

Remember fat loss boils down to the equation of calories in versus calories out and there are more variables in determining your calorie requirements than just your weight. Your genetics, gender and level of physical activity will mean every individual is different. Try experimenting with different calorie intakes to find what works best for you.

Click on the link to the diet plan that best suits your weight and the number of meals you want to eat each day!

  • Under 50kgs | 3 meals PDF | 4 meals PDF | 5 meals PDF |
  • 50-60kg | 3 meals PDF | 4 meals PDF | 5 meals PDF |
  • 60-70kg | 3 meals PDF | 4 meals PDF | 5 meals PDF |
  • 70-80kg | 3 meals PDF | 4 meals PDF | 5 meals PDF |
  • 80-90kg | 3 meals PDF | 4 meals PDF | 5 meals PDF |
  • 90-100kg | 3 meals PDF | 4 meals PDF | 5 meals PDF |
  • 100-110kg | 3 meals PDF | 4 meals PDF | 5 meals PDF |
  • Over 110kg | 3 meals PDF | 4 meals PDF | 5 meals PDF |

Save a copy of your PDF diet plan and share it with your friends!

Introduction to Competition Dieting

You must take your hat off to bodybuilders who successfully maintain and complete their pre-competition diet and training program. It is no small feat and requires scrupulous discipline and bodybuilders have often proven that they are some of the best and most knowledgeable dieters on the planet. Bodybuilders will actually start to manipulate their macronutrient intake as early as 5 months before a competition date. Typically this means gradually decreasing carbohydrate and dietary fat while slowly increasing calorie intake from protein. That being said this program is designed as a diet plan that you would be using while cutting to around 7-8% body fat. To get to lower body fat percentages simply requires phasing out the dietary fat intake out of this diet plan.

Most Important Points of Competition Dieting
  • Phase your calorie intake down
  • Strict meal preparation
  • Cycle calorie intake
  • Understand the common mistakes of dieting
Phase Your Calorie Intake Down

To often people will use two different diet plans for their cutting and bulking without giving any regard to the fact that calories need to be slowly increased when bulking and slowly decreased when cutting. Radically altering your calorie intake overnight is either going to cause excessive fat gain if you are bulking or muscle loss if you are cutting. Ideally when you are switching between a bulking and cutting cycle you want to adjust your daily calorie intake down by about 150 calories every week. The more gradually you do the calorie reduction that more chance you will give your body to adapt to the lower levels of calories and therefore maintain more muscle mass. There is nothing worse than losing all your fat only to find out that you have lost all your muscle as well, phasing calories down is the key!

Strict Meal Preparation

This leads on from the previous point of slowly reducing your calories every week. If you are trying to reduce your daily calorie intake by 150 calories every week then you will need to be very deliberate with your meal preparation. 150 calories is about 40g of carbs or just 15g of fats, therefore strictly measuring all your ingredients during meal preparation is essential. If you are just making approximations by eye then you might as well not even bother with gradual calorie reduction.

Cycle Calorie Intake

There are many different opinions on exactly how this should be done but the overwhelming consensus is that it will produce optimal results. When you significantly increase your calorie intake for one day it causes your metabolism to speed up and then allows you to more easily hit a calorie deficit on the following days. High carb days also help to refuel muscle glycogen levels which improve energy and strength levels for training. The easiest way to manage carb cycling is to have 6 days of consistent diet as per this diet program and then one high carb day every week. The best day to do a high carb day is the day of your most intense training which should be leg day but this is not essential. Please allow me to clarify that last sentence, it is not essential that your high calorie day be on your leg day but it is however essential that you do your leg training day!

Understand the Common Mistakes of Dieting
  • Neglecting to take supplements. Taking the "I'm all diet" approach is your own loss, if you're natural then you had better construct the right approach to supplementation or you will come off second best every time.
  • Overtraining. If you eat right, and take the right supplements then you do not need to overcompensate by overtraining cardio or anaerobic training. The majority of fat loss and muscle gain should come from proper supplementation and nutrition.
  • Do you even……Lifting weights that are too light will not stimulate all three subcategories of type-two muscle fibres. In order to stay big, strong, and gain density, you must continue lifting heavy weights.
  • Giving in to food urges causes your body to desire them even more. Just say no!
  • Being too impatient. Don't be discouraged when you don't see rapid transformation in nine days. Work hard, stay patient and disciplined and the results will surely follow. Different people use different methods to stay motivated, find what works for you and use it.
  • Don't do too much cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach depleting glycogen stores to the point where it interferes with your evening weight training session.
  • Being contest ready too late in the game will not allow one to gain the desired fullness come contest day. How often do you see bodybuilders looking there absolute best 4-7 days after the competition day – they have left the final stage slightly too late
  • Don't aim for a particular weight class – aim for the right bodyweight for you and let the weight class take care of itself. Aiming for the wrong weight classes is a rookie error which leaves many a competitors looking out of place. Choose a target bodyweight that will leave you as lean as you can possibly be regardless of the weight class you end up in.
  • Use the mirror, not the scales. Arnie famously said, "If it jiggles it's fat"
  • Drinking too much or too little. We often see people who are exacting on everything but neglect the importance of being ruthless with their water intake. This can differ from person to person so determine how much water is correct for you and measure it accordingly.
  • Don't be scared of fats. A common mistake is not ingesting enough testosterone, muscle, and joint supporting essential fats.
  • Not using glucosamine/chondroitin to aid in joint function during the stressful dieting time of depletion and calorie deficit.
  • Neglecting Zinc supplementation to help keep test/estragon levels in balance. Too much estragon can cause female fatty deposits.
  • Taking advice from too many people. Establish your trusted inner circle and stick with it. Be selective about who you listen to and always let results speak the loudest.

The Following are Acceptable Pre-Competition Foods
  • Tuna or most any fish.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Eggs (especially the whites).
  • Chicken breast (boneless skinless).
  • Turkey breast (boneless skinless).
  • Lean beef.
  • Low fat or no fat cheese.
  • Low fat pork.
  • Milk protein isolate.
  • Whey protein.
  • Soy protein.
  • Essentially most any other source of protein so long as it is low in saturated fat and carbohydrates.
  • Sweet potatoes.
  • Oat meal, oat bran, oat bran cereal (i.e. cheerios).
  • Bran cereal.
  • Brown rice.
  • Wheat bread (try to limit to 2 slices per day).
  • Beans.
  • Low fat popcorn (low fat butter spray makes this a delicacy).
  • Fruits (limit to 2-3 servings per day).
  • Malto dextrin (during workout).
  • Dextrose (during workout)
  • Vegetables.
  • Stay away from refined grains and anything that says "enriched" or "high fructose corn syrup" on the label!
  • Omega 3 capsules (i.e. fish oil capsules).
  • Flax seed oil.
  • Primrose oil.
  • Borage oil.
  • Olive oil.
  • Nuts (limit to 1 serving per day), peanut butter (as long as it does not contain hydrogenated oils).
  • Egg yolks.
  • Fish (salmon especially).
  • All other fat should come as a by-product of your carbohydrate and protein intake.

70 Kg Bodybuilder Diet Plan

Source: https://musclecoach.com.au/a-bodybuilders-competition-diet-program/


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